Kikinda and Temisvar developing tourism and promoting Banat’s cultural and historical heritage


A cultural heritage promotional video, a book “Banat in 10 ways“ and a traditional cookbook will be among the results of the project Local Heritage for Active Tourism in Banat implemented under IPA CBC Serbia-Romania programme by the City of Kikinda, the National Museum in Kikinda and the West University of Timisoara. The total value of the project, which runs from May 2017 through November 2018, amounts to EUR372,411.90. The Kikinda-run project is worth EUR39,394.95.

Together, the partners will work to promote local heritage and tourism development on both sides of the border. The project foresees the development of a common software platform, an interactive tourism supply map, an info portal and a cross-border tourism database.


A survey will be conducted in both Romanian and Serbian part of Banat to preserve the living traditions, local crafts, handcrafts and local cuisine and turned them into a visitor-attracting product. Besides, the project will facilitate networking among women’s and ethno associations, restaurants and chambers of commerce in both Serbian and Romanian parts of Banat with the goal of creating a brand Banat Food aimed at promotion of restaurants on either side of the border.

In order to enhance the quality of tourism supply, the project envisages training for Romanian and Serbian tour guides and entrepreneurs. Further development of tourism in Serbia will be enhanced through cooperation among travel agencies in both countries and visitors’ feedback.


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