Climate Diplomacy Week: maintaining the political momentum in support of climate action


From 12 to 18 September embassies around the world are celebrating Climate Diplomacy Week, with events taking place to highlight climate action in the EU and beyond. Conferences, citizens’ debates, exhibitions, films and social media activities aim to encourage informed debate and a joint response to the climate challenge. These events build on the momentum of the Paris Agreement – the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal agreed in Paris last December. The EU played a key role in brokering this deal and is now focusing on ratifying the agreement and putting it into practice on the ground.

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, Federica Mogherini said: “Europe’s security and prosperity are linked to the challenges we face due to climate change and the degradation of our environment. The EU is leading by example through implementing our commitments on sustainable development and climate change and is playing a driving role in supporting partners in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.”

Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete added: “Equally as crucial as the ratification of the Paris Agreement is the full implementation on the ground. The EU has a proven track record of commitment to climate action and the policies in place to meet our commitments. But we also have to do our work on ratification: the EU’s ratification of the Paris Agreement would demonstrate solidarity and unity in these challenging times. Let’s get it done!”

Follow the activities taking place via #ClimaDiplo.



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