EU support to E-business Development in Serbia – for safer shopping on Internet


How to shop online, which websites are safe, who is the right person to turn to if one does not get the ordered product, whom to file a complaint Serbian e-consumers will be able to find the answers to those questions on a specialized Internet platform

The first-of-its-kind internet platform in Serbia has been developed within the activities of the E-business Development Project funded by the European Union.

The main goal of this web platform is to educate and inform Serbian consumers on their rights, especially on their online shopping rights, as well as on the complaint filing procedures and online shopping security. In addition to its educational content, the web platform contains a quiz with the questions related to the e-consumer rights, and anyone who succeeds in answering the questions correctly will receive a certificate as a proof of the acquired knowledge.

The promotions of the web platform were held in Novi Sad, Subotica and Nis. The web platform will be presented in other 12 towns in Serbia during May and June, in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Consumers Associations and the Regional Development Agencies.

e-dukator-2The speakers at the promotional events were Leszek Jakubowski, Team Leader of the E-business Development Project, Nevena Praizovic and Stefan Cvetkovic, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Sector for Consumer Protection and Sinisa Begovic, the Project Expert.

According to the survey conducted in October 2015, about 35% of citizens shop online, and most of them are buying clothes and footwear, mainly on domestic websites for they believe them to be safer and they offer a cash on delivery as a payment method. Most of the interviewed e-consumers, about 59%, who have not faced any problems during online shopping, would not know whom to file a complain if a problem occurred.

The E-Business Development Project is funded by the European Union with 2.5 million Euros. The project will help Serbian SMEs to get a better insight into e-commerce, e-business and digital applications as the innovative tools for enhancing their competitiveness and decreasing operational costs, while consumers will be encouraged to use e-commerce. The project is implemented in cooperation with Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Economy.

The European Union is the largest donor in Serbia. During the last 15 years, the European Union has invested more than 3 billion Euros in Serbia. The EU has allocated €78 for projects aimed at improving and strengthening sectors of the Serbian economy, especially the Small and Medium Enterprise sector, as a key sector of significant importance in the process of developing Serbia’s market economy, as well as contributing to Serbia’s ongoing process of EU integration.

For more information:

E-business Development Project –


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