EU flood relief assistance weekly update


The reconstruction of private houses and construction of new homes in most municipalities included in European Union Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia should commence by the end of October 2014. This will include provision of construction material and manpower and construction of new houses for more than 520 vulnerable families. The completion of this intervention is expected by December 2014 – January 2015.

The EU Ambassador Michael Davenport participated in handover ceremony of the agreements on donation to 83 families for construction of nine homes and reconstruction of 74 houses. The construction works should commence by the end of October 2014 and to be completed by December 2014-January 2015. The estimated cost for the reconstruction is 455,000 Euros, while prefabricated houses will cost 160,000 Euros. This intervention will be funded through EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia.

Tender for procurement of fruit seedlings for more than 1,500 farming families is finished and suppliers are selected. Delivery of fruit seedlings is planned to start in next 10-15 days.              Each beneficiary will receive among the following (based on the stated priorities): 300 cherry seedlings, 300 plum seedlings, 300 sour cherry seedlings, 1,800 blackberry and 1,800 raspberry seedlings (per beneficiary family).

The reconstruction of the heating room within Mechanical-Electro Technical School in Paraćin is successfully completed before the start of the heating season. The reconstruction of boilers, central heating system and electrical installation affected by the floods was very important, because it is used by three different schools in surrounding area – Mechanical-Electro Technical, Technological and Gymnasium. The total intervention of this part of the project was some 28,000 Euros. The school will be equipped shortly with necessary furniture and didactic equipment.

The construction works in Primary School “Jevrem Obrenović” in Šabac are successfully completed. It included waterproofing works of premises in lower level of the building. This works were funded with some 8,000 Euros through EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia Programme.


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