Mogherini: Islam of peace, dialogue and cooperation is what we need in this moment


Remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the press conference with the Foreign Minister of Jordan, Nasser Judeh

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Salam alikoum. Let me start by recalling the powerful message that his Majesty, the King, passed in the European Parliament just a few months ago, exactly using these words: Salam alikoum means, if I am not mistaken, may peace be with you, and I think there is no stronger message that we can today pass to the people of the Middle East and to the people of Europe, together, jointly. Because today is not only the day that we were planning so long for my visit to Jordan again, and it is always a pleasure to be back in a country that is a friend and a partner that we value very much, but it is also a very sad day for Europe.

Europe and its capital are suffering the same pain that this region has known and knows every single day, be it in Syria, be it elsewhere. We are still waiting for more precise news on the dynamics of the attacks in Brussels, but it is quite clear that the roots of the pain we are suffering around our region are very much the same and that we are united in not only suffering victims, but also reacting to these acts and preventing radicalisation and violence together. And I think that being here together with you, Nasser, with his Majesty the King later on, as we were together in Brussels just a week ago, is the most powerful message of strength and friendship among our people that we can pass to those who would like to divide us. We will not, we will stay together.

We have a strong friendship, and let me say that Jordan is for the European Union one of the strongest, if not the strongest partner, on so many different issues. For sure on the Syria file, where we sit together in the International Support Group, always sharing the same objectives, always sharing the same steps to be taken on the ground, be it humanitarian access to besieged areas, be it the cessation of hostilities and its monitoring, be it the consolidation of the political talks. Even if the process is going to be long and difficult, I believe that we have made some major steps in the last weeks and months, also thanks to the determination we showed together.

Jordan is a precious partner when it comes to the Palestinian issue. We work well together to link the work we have revitalised within the Quartet, with the idea of a report, including recommendations to provide the perspective of the two-state solution, with the Arab Peace Initiative and the role of Jordan, especially in Jerusalem holy sites is key, but also as a political partner in the region. It is something special that we value immensely. And obviously in managing the refugee crisis. We know how difficult it is for the country, but we also know how important your humanitarian contribution has been. You will have always the European Union at your side, as it has been the case consistently in these years. We will continue to work together to make sure that people’s lives are protected, people’s rights are protected and that we give all the Syrians a perspective of dignity, not only in their current difficult situation being refugees, but also in the hope of going back to their country and manage to rebuild it in the near future.

We are partners and I have to say that Jordan is a very precious partner in what today would be probably more relevant to all Europeans, which is the anti-radicalisation work. We believe that the message that is coming from Amman, constantly and consistently, of an Islam that is an Islam of peace, and dialogue and cooperation is what we need in this moment, here in the region and in Europe.

I will stop here, you will understand this. Today is a difficult day.


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