Reply of Maja Kocijancic, Spokesperson of EEAS and on European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, to Fonet agency on allegations that the EU is supporting forces aiming at destabilising Serbia/the Serbian government

  • The allegations are without any foundation and we are sure that the Serbian authorities are very much aware of that.
  • The EU is firmly and unequivocally committed to Serbia’s EU perspective and is also the biggest provider of financial assistance to Serbia, primarily to the government, in full transparency. The EU is also by far Serbia’s main trade and investment partner.  EU institutions work continuously in support of Serbia on its EU path. The EU delegation in Belgrade plays a central role in this regard.
  • We give credit where credit is due and are critical, as all friends should be, where we need to be. The EU will continue to champion democratic and economic development as well as the rule of law in Serbia and elsewhere.

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