EULEX Kosovo*: mandate extended, budget approved


On 14 June 2016, the Council extended the mandate of the EU rule of law mission (EULEX) in Kosovo until 14 June 2018. The Council also approved a combined budget for the mission of EUR 63.6 million providing for the period 15 June 2016 – 14 December 2016 for its operations in Kosovo and until 14 June 2017 for the specialist chambers and the specialist prosecutor office.

The budget approved will cover the expenditure of EULEX KOSOVO for the implementation of its mandate in Kosovo at a level of EUR 34.5 million. EUR 29.1 million will support the specialist chambers and the specialist prosecutor office.

The central aim of the civilian mission EULEX Kosovo is to assist and support the Kosovo authorities in the rule of law area, specifically in the police, judiciary and customs areas.

EULEX Kosovo was launched in 2008. The headquarters of the mission are located in Prishtinë/Priština, Kosovo.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


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