EU Civil Protection Team Integrated in Serbian Interior Ministry


Following the European Union Civil Protection Team’s arrival in Belgrade to assist the Serbian authorities, they are now integrated into the Interior Ministry (Sector for Emergency Management) International department.

The EU team is working closely with Serbia and UN colleagues to facilitate the coordination of incoming international assistance. A combined EU and UN team has deployed today from the Emergency Response Centre to conduct a needs assessment in the areas around the Thermal Electric Power Complex Nikola Tesla, working closely with the Serbian Sector of Emergency Management.

The remainder of the EU team are located in the Coordination Centre in Belgrade liaising with the Serbian authorities, EU Delegation, UN, and other agencies as part of the relief response.

The EU is also continuing to provide assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. A second EU Civil Protection team has arrived in Sarajevo and is supporting the relief efforts.

For more information:

The European Commission’s humanitarian aid and civil protection:


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