European Commission’s Director General for Enlargement Christian Danielsson to visit Belgrade on 23 – 24 January


Director General of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Enlargement, Mr Christian Danielsson, will pay his first working visit to Belgrade.

The Director General will meet H.E. Prime Minister Ivica Dacic on Thursday 23 January at 14:00 in the building of the Government of Serbia, Nemanjina 11.

Mr Danielsson will also meet the First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, the Minister of Finance, Lazar Krstic, and the Minister of Justice and Public Administration, Nikola Selakovic.

At 15:20, Mr Danielsson will meet the European Integration Committee of the National Assembly, followed by press point, at Parliament of Serbia, Trg Nikole Pasica 13.

On 24 January 2013 at 10:00 in Sava Centre, the Director General will attend the IPA direct grant award contract with the Republic Geodetic Authority for the project “Cadastral exchange between Belgrade and Pristina”. Later that day Mr Danielsson will also attend a symposium with professors, students and NGOs at the Faculty of Political Sciences of Belgrade University.

Mr Danielsson will also meet Minister of Economy, Sasa Radulovic, attend the Council of Coordination Body for the European Integration Process, and lunch with Mr Branko Ruzic, Minister without portfolio in charge of European Integration, and Ms Tanja Miscevic, Head of Serbian Negotiating team for Serbia’s accession to the EU.

Director General Danielsson will finish his tour by visiting the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic to Serbia. 


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