EU concerned, expects all government institutions to co-operate with the Ombudsman


We are concerned by recent claims from some quarters in Serbia that in carrying out his duty under the law the Ombudsman is jeopardising national security, Spokesperson for EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Maja Kocijančič, told FoNet news agency, adding that “the EU expects all government institutions to co-operate fully with independent regulatory bodies, including the Ombudsman.”

“Independent regulatory institutions play an important role in any democratic society and they have a crucial part to play in reforms which Serbia is undertaking.

Ombudsman in particular has key role under the constitution in monitoring and holding to account government bodies, including in the security sector, to ensure citizens’ rights are upheld.

We are concerned by recent claims from some quarters in Serbia that in carrying out his duty under the law the Ombudsman is jeopardising national security.

The EU expects all government institutions to co-operate fully with independent regulatory bodies, including the Ombudsman, to assist them with carrying out their duties under the law.

We will continue to monitor this area under Chapter 23 of the accession negotiations,” Kocijančič told FoNet.


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