Opinion poll “Attitudes of Serbian citizens towards EU integration“: Majority in favour of EU


The latest opinion poll “Serbian Citizens’ Attitudes toward EU Integration” shows that majority of Serbian citizens support Serbia’s membership in the EU, whereas general attitude toward EU is mostly stable.

The poll, conducted by TNS Medium Group on behalf of the EU Delegation to Serbia from 26 March-1 April 2015, shows that 59 per cent of Serbian citizens support membership of Serbia in the EU, 34 per cent do not support it, whereas six per cent remain indecisive.

Most common reasons are those of economic nature – better future, prosperity (46 per cent), higher living standard (38 per cent), enhanced employment opportunities (34 per cent).

Citizens’ attitudes toward the EU are stable: 47 per cent said their attitude is “mostly stable”. Previous poll, conducted in September 2014, showed that this view was stated by the same number of citizens, while the support never exceeded 35 per cent in polls conducted up to 2014.

Should a referendum on Serbia’s EU accession be held today, 55 per cent of citizens would vote “in favour” of it, whereas 26 per cent would oppose it. The number of citizens that would not vote in referendum is similar to September 2014 figures. Expectations of a better life and beginning of negotiations in January 2014 have encouraged citizens resulting in 73 per cent of them who would vote in referendum if there was to be one.

Opinion poll also showed that 57 per cent of citizens expected Serbia to become an EU Member States in approximately 10 years or less, whereas the number of those who believe this is not likely to ever happen has decreased to 14 per cent, compared to 22 in September 2014.

The poll was participated in by 1,265 adult respondents through a face-to-face interview.

Detailed presentation of the entire poll will take place in late May.


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