AFET/DROI Visit to Serbia


The Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, joined by the Human Rights Sub-Committee travelled to Serbia on 23-24 September, in the framework of the preparations for the annual progress report on Serbia.

They welcomed the work undertaken by Serbia in the context of the migration crisis that is dramatically affecting the whole of Europe, stressing that in these critical times the EU should show solidarity and keep up the fundamental values it is built on. Press release reads that Members found that a significant step forward was made with the Agreements reached on 25 August in the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue. Members also expressed strong concern for the deteriorating situation of the media, stressing that freedom of expression and of the media is a fundamental pillar of any democratic society. Finally, the Members expressed their dissatisfaction at the decision of the Croatian government of 24 September to close the border to all Serbian citizens and cars in addition to cargo.

The Members met Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, the Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Maja Gojkovic, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, Minister responsible for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic, Ombudsman Sasa Jankovic, Members of Committees of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs, of Human Rights and Minority rights, Commissioner on refugees and leaders of the opposition. Furthermore, they had fruitful discussions with representatives of civil society, of the media, and of international organisations. Read integral press release here.


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