Ambassadors: A lot of work for new Government


“After the elections, we look forward to seeing a new Government that will strongly follow the course of EU integrations and important reforms”, said Michael Davenport while participating in the work of Kopaonik Business Forum.

Kopaonik, March 6th  2014 – The traditional discussion of economists and businessmen with ambassadors in the framework of Kopaonik Business Forum, showed the warning about the work ahead, but also the possibility of seizing the historical opportunity of EU accession and continuation of the ongoing reforms.

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport, assessed that negotiations with EU run in their own course and that everything is going on as planned.

“After the elections, we look forward to seeing a new Government that will strongly follow the course of EU integrations and important reforms, not only in the field of economic and structural reforms, but also in the field of justice system,” said Davenport for Tanjug on the sidelines of Kopaonik Business Forum.

As he said, the economic Forum is always a great opportunity to hear more on how the potential investors see the priorities, as well as an opportunity for the Government to hear about the most important priorities for the development of economy and growth directly from the businessmen, because, as he further said, employment depends on investments and reforms.

According to him, this is in the best interest of the citizens but also in the best interest of future investments which require predictability of justice system and business environment.

Key Messages of Ambassador Davenport from the 2014 Kopaonik Business Forum

  • We look forward to working together with the incoming Government on the economic and structural reform agenda, based on the four principles, or “4Ps”:Pro-active, Professional, Predictable and Participatory. A government which is proactive in leading professionally-conducted reforms, making clear to citizens and stakeholders how they can contribute, stands every chance of capitalizing on support from the EU and the rest of the international community.
  • Serbia has made significant progress on its EU integration path since the last Kopaonik Business Forum. The most important milestones include entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement in September 2013 and formal opening of accession negotiations in January 2014.
  • The EU is Serbia’s largest trade and investment partner by far, accounting for around 63% of Serbia’s total foreign trade in 2013, with Serbian’s total exports to the EU increasing by more than 60% over the past four years. Foreign direct investments coming from the EU accounted for 76% of total FDI coming to Serbia from 2005 to 2012 and this trend continued in 2013.
  • Once the new Government is formed, we look forward to seeing it build on the reform momentum which has been created, implementing planned structural reforms, notably in the areas of labour, privatization, bankruptcy, as well as planning and construction. In pursuing the EU accession path a high priority will be to enhance the independence and efficiency of the judiciary, not least as part of implementing the government’s strategy on combating corruption. Delivering on public expectations will also be important in taking forward fundamental reforms in other areas, notably on pensions, competition, public administration, health and education.
  • The EU is ready to help Serbia in preparing and implementing this challenging reform agenda through a new Economic Governance Programme to be implemented by the European Commission and linked to IPA funds. Through this programme, the European Commission will provide clearer guidance on the reforms needed to support long-term economic growth and competitiveness, including in areas where there is no binding EU legislation.

German Ambassador Heinz Wilhelm thinks that new Government has to confront whit a number of assignments, as well as important and tough challenges.

“When it comes to politics, Belgrade should continue the dialogue with Prishtina. Brussels Agreement marks only the begging.” he said for Tanjug, and he expressed satisfaction that the dialogue continues even during the election campaign in Serbia, noting that he expects intensification of the dialogue after the new Government constitutes.

“Serbia should continue playing constructive and active role in entire region,” Wilhelm underlined and added that the fact that Serbia has developed god relationships with all of the neighbours – Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro – is of utmost importance.

When it comes to economy, everybody knows that economic recovery, implementation of reform agenda, improving the competitiveness should be done, he said and concerning this he mentioned the justice system that has to “stay away from the influence of all the stakeholders”.
According to the Italian Ambassador Giuseppe Manzo the biggest priorities for the new Government should be “setting out the clear rules and implementing them”.

“Mind set should be changed, but it should also be put into practice,” he said and he added that “rule of law, rule of law and rule of law” is the essence.

Setting out these rules would convey a clear message to foreign investors. This would mean that workers, journalists, judges, investors, know their obligations and rights.

“This is the essence of Europe –  chances and responsibilities, now that Serbia is on the way to join EU, I believe this is the priority,” he added.
“When you set the rules out, business will follow”, said Manzo and added that the Italian investors already working in Serbia, gave positive response to the business environment established by the current Government.

French Ambassador Francois Xavier Deniot, pointed out that Serbia is in a radically changed situation, ever since the EU Accession Negotiations started on January 21st.

“When negotiating with EU, with a goal of joining it, thing must change.” he underlined.

As he said, main thing is that no future Government can go against the European values and principles under the pretext of this being done in the past.

“Past is past. But now you are a candidate for accession to the EU and things must change, whether it is justice system, media, fields of human rights or foreign affairs”.

According to him, Serbia is expected to act in accordance with the EU foreign policy position, even when it comes to complex issues such as current situation in Ukraine.

He indicated that beginning of the accession negotiations provides enormous possibilities and a unique chance for developing the economy, a chance offered only once in history of all candidate countries.

“Opening the accession negotiations in the past years was a chance for countries to attract foreign investors or to reform their economic system,” he said.

“I believe that the new Government will have to take advantage of this imoprtant chance and to take the right steps in order not to lose any more time and chance for creating good image, attracting investments, and promoting growth: all of this will help the fiscal consolidation of the country.” French Ambassador said.


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