New kindergartens opened in Krusevac and Leskovac


Two new kindergartens “Lane” and “Sunce” in preschool institution “Nata Veljkovic” opened in Krusevac for which the European Union donated more than 300.000 EUR for its construction and equipment.

This donation is part of activities of joint project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and the European Union „Improvement of preschool education in Serbia“ (IMPRES).

The opening ceremony was attended by Bratislav Gasic, Mayor of Krusevac, Bogoljub Lazarevic, chief of the group for preschool education within the Ministry of education, science and technological development, Vesna Zivkovic, Director of preschool institution and Michel Crepon, Team Leader of IMPRES project. Ceremony was attended by the representatives of the local-self government, employees of preschool institution, parents and children.

The EU donation will increase expansion of the preschools capacitices and provide better working conditions for employees at this facility. The newly built facility is equipped with the latest standards for preschool education. About 100 children will be placed in new kindergarten end of March which will ensure that all children will enrolled in kindergarten.

Within the same project, in the city of Leskovac a new kindergarten has been opened, too: kindergarten of the “Vukica Mitrovic” preschool institution has been opened on March 8, 2014. The EU has invested more than 100.000 EUR in construction and equipment of that facility.

Leskovac mayor Goran Cvetanović, city council representatives as well as „Vukica Mitrovic“ preschool institution representatives were present at the opening ceremony.

Around of 100 kids will be placed in the new kindergarten, while capacities of the preschool institution „Vukica Mitrovic“ will be increased and working conditionsfor employees significantly improved.

Total donation for seven kindergartens, among them those in Krusevac and Leskovac, amounts more than 1.350.000 EUR.

Equipment delivered by IMPRES project (prefabricated structures and vehicles) to 15 pilot municipalities included in the project will ensure increasing of access to preschool especially for vulnerable children (from rural and poor areas, Roma or other minorities, handicapped, etc.).


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