EU and FAO start delivery of wheat to flooded areas


Delivery of wheat seeds and fertilisers for autumn sowing has started in Osecina, intended for 100 agricultural flood-damaged households. Seeds and fertilizers are distributed by United Nations Organisation for Food and Agriculture (FAO) which is in charge with implementation of project aimed at supporting agricultural producers under the European Union Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia programme.

Within this part of the EU assistance programme, wheat seeds and fertilisers will be donated to 4,400 small, family households in 24 municipalities that have been most affected by spring floods. Delivery of wheat and fertilisers in all 24 municipalities will be finalised in the three weeks, so that households can complete autumn sowing in time.


Within the assistance package, each of the households will receive 250 kilos of wheat and 300 kilos of mineral fertilisers. Wheat and seeds that will be distributed to farmers had been purchased from domestic producer after the completion of public tender procedure.

This assistance represents part of the wider EUR8 million worth EU-funded programme aimed at recovering Serbian agriculture. All the activities are implemented in cooperation with Government Office for Reconstruction and Flood Relief and Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia.


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