EU flood relief weekly update


Reconstruction process on houses for 546 families in 21 municipalities mostly affected by the floods started this week. The reconstruction, funded by EU with over five million euros, is being conducted in phases according to the plan respecting priorities, so the construction works may start in some houses earlier than in the others.

Depending upon weather conditions, the completion of this intervention is expected in December or  January. This part of the Programme is being  implemented by Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. and Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, Deutschland e.V (ASB).

The reconstruction works in Elementary School “Laza K. Lazarević“ in Šabac are successfully completed. It included replacement of the all layers of the floor including insulation in the sports hall, tinsmith works on the roof and gutters, wall protection, painting, facade etc. This works were funded with 32,800 Euros through EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia Programme.

The reconstruction works on private houses in the Municipality of Krupanj and Braće Jugović Settlement in Obrenovac which commenced in October 2014 is underway. So far, small and medium repairs are conducted on 110 houses in Krupanj, while works on 85 homes is underway.

The reconstruction works on houses in Braće Jugović Settlement started and over 40 percent of homes are already repaired, and over 100 houses will be reconstructed by mid December 2014 as planned. This intervention funded with over 500,000 Euros by the EU is implemented by International Organization for Migrations (IOM).

Distribution of fruit seedlings for more than 1,500 farming families started on November 07. Each beneficiary will receive among the following (based on the stated priorities): 300 cherry seedlings, 300 plum seedlings, 300 sour cherry seedlings, 1,800 blackberry and 1,800 raspberry seedlings (per beneficiary family). Delivery of all fruit seedlings will be completed by the end of November.

Within the EU support for normalisation of housing conditions and self-reliance of flood-affected families, Help is implementing housing and income generating component in six out of 24 targeted municipalities.

Final beneficiaries’ lists upon selection procedures were adopted and the first contracts were signed in Lazarevac, Trstenik, Kraljevo and Varvarin in addition to Svilajnac where it had been signed earlier in the presence of the EU Ambassador Michael Davenport with 74 beneficiaries for construction material and works and 9 prefabricated houses.

The works on reconstruction of 51 houses in five cities/municipalities begun on 31 October  2014 in line with Help action plan, as well as works on prefabricated houses.

Help will have in total 145 houses reconstructed and 16 prefabricated houses built. The total value of the assistance amounts to 1.078.840,00 EUR (780.000,00 EUR for the reconstruction works and 298.840,00 EUR for the prefabricated houses).

Reconstruction of 145 houses is to take place in Kraljevo 19, Lazarevac 33, Svilajnac 74, Trstenik 13, and Varvarin 6, while the prefabricated houses are in Lazarevac 4, Svilajnac 11 and Varvarin 1.

At the moment reconstruction works have commenced on 51 house in Kraljevo (10), Lazarevac (15), Svilajnac (15), Trstenik (5) and Varvarin (6), as well as clearing the sites for prefabricated houses (Svilajnac (8) and Varvarin (1)). Works are commencing successively, after clearance, construction works follow, so by the end of November all 145 houses and 16 prefab will be in the progress.

Final deadline for all works (reconstruction and prefab) is January 2015.

On 3 November 2014, 12 agriculture households were supplied with the 39,800 raspberry seedlings in the value of 11.000,00 EUR.



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