Marking International Roma Day: Exhibition “Our City – Our House” and GRUBB concert


EU Info Centre, GRUBB (Gypsy Roma Urban Balkans Beat) Foundation and Dom omladine Beograda mark the International Roma Day on Wednesday, 8 April, by organising photo exhibition titled “Our City – Our House” and a concert by GRUBB group at Dom omladine Beograda.

The photo exhibition, featuring the works of young Roma members of GRUBB Foundation, depicting the lives of Roma in Nis and Belgrade, opens in EU Info Centre (Lounge in Dom omladine) at 10:30.


Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport, director of GRUBB Foundation, and young authors will address visitors.

Exhibition “Our City – Our House” will run until 15 April 2015 in EU Info Centre.

Following the opening of exhibition, GRUBB group will perform at the popular “Zidic”, in front of Dom omladine. Concert begins at 11:30. Visitors will have an opportunity to hear songs whose authors are members of this group, as well as traditional Roma music.


GRUBB performs music which represents a blend of traditional Roma music and urban hip-hop and rap. The group have held concerts throughout Serbia and beyond – in the Netherlands and Canada.

About International Roma Day: International Roma Day, 8 April, was established in 1990 and is the day when Roma culture is celebrated throughout the world, but also the opportunity to organise events that would draw attention to issues faced by Roma population. It is estimated that there are between 10 and 12 million Roma in Europe, half of which are holding EU citizenship and making up for the most populous minority on the Old Continent. Roma integration goals set out in Europe 2020 strategy cover four main areas: access to education (ensure that all Roma children complete elementary education), employment, health care and housing.


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