Call for projects proposals under European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights


Delegation of the European Union to Serbia has published a call for project proposals under European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights with the amount of two million euros allocated for projects, said today member of the Delegation Yolanda San José at the presentation of new circle of support for civil society organisations.

According to FoNet, she said that European Union recognised civil society as one of the main factors within the process of European integration and democracy building, whereas two million euros are allocated for projects.

Yolanda San José reminded that since 2007 the EU allocated 50 million euros for over 200 projects developed by CSOs across Serbia.

Proposed projects should aim at building democratic and overall better Serbia, which is our common goal, she said.

Programme Manager of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Ana Milenic said that particular goal of the call was to finance projects supporting human rights defenders and added that proposals should be in line with areas of activity of the EIDHR.

She said that minimal amount per project was 20,000 euros whereas the maximum was 200,000 euros, and that only non-profit organisations were eligible, the ones directly in charge with project implementation, with deadline for submission of proposals being 25 May.


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