Through its CARDS and IPA programmes, European Union has invested some €555 million in Serbian energy sector. Energy sector should provide Serbian citizens with safe and reliable supply with energy using environmentally acceptable technologies with increased energy efficiency and high share of renewable sources.
The reform should result in self sustainable sector based on market values and strong and independent regulatory body.
Main priorities of the EU support in Serbian energy sector concern support to the alignment of national legislation with EU acquis in the area of energy, investments in environmental improvements, institution strengthening, strengthening the capacity of the transmission systems (electricity and gas sector), support for feasibility studies to prepare investments (working with IFIs).
About € 555 million of EU assistance has been allocated to Energy sector until now, in CARDS & IPA budget years:
2000-2001, total €210.1 million
- Emergency Assistance Programme (supply of heavy oil and diesel to TPP and municipalities, electricity imports, spare parts)
- Projects in coal mines, electricity generation sector and electricity transmission and distribution
2002 total €70.8 million
Major rehabilitation and overhaul of thermal power plant Nikola Tesla A3
Spare parts for EPS and Feasibility study for Tamnava west field
TA and Feasibility Study to Serbian Energy Efficiency Agency
Establishment and operation of Serbian Energy Efficiency Agency
2003 total €70.8 million
Major rehabilitation and overhaul of thermal power plant Nikola Tesla A5 and additional works on A3
EPS Institutional Building, Environmental Management System and Maintenance Management for EPS
Several studies for Serbian Energy sector
2004 total €39.23 million
Grant Fund for Serbian Energy Regulatory Agency
New Ash Disposal System, Nikola Tesla B Thermal Power Plant
Electrostatic Precipitator Improvement at TPP Kostolac A
Assistance in Establishing Electricity Market
2005 total €26.51 million
Modernisation of District Heating in five Serbian cities
Several studies for energy sector
2006 total €31.5 million
Construction of 400kV Overhead Transmission Line Nis-Leskovac-FYROM border
Technical Assistance to Elektromreza Srbije and Serbian Energy Regulatory Agency European Union Republic of Serbia
2007 total €17.58 million
Retrofit of the electrostatic precipitators in thermal power plant NIKOLA TESLA units A6 and B2
Further Assistance to Energy Regulatory Agency, Elektromreza Srbije and Srbijagas
Feasibility Studies for Electricity Transmission Cross Border Investments
2008 total €11.13 million
Rehabilitation of electrostatic precipitator in TP Nikola Tesla, unit B1
Equipment for continuous air emissions measurement at EPS – TENT
2010 total €19.2 million
Supply of HV transformer, design and works for extension of SS Leskovac 2 and for construction of SS Vranje 4 400/110 kV
Several pre-feasibility studies and Follow up Technical Assistance to Srbijagas
Management Information System for Energy Sector
2011 total €16 million
• Twinning project with the Serbian Energy Regulatory Agency,
• Waste Water Treatment facility in TPP Nikola Tesla B and Nikola Tesla A
2012 total €7 million
Electrostatic Precipitator for TPP Morava
Technical Assistance for Preparation of Second Energy Efficiency Action Plan and Development of Energy Indicators
2013-planned €total 12.9 million
Construction of Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plant in TPP Kostolac B
Upgrade of the existing cadastre of small HPPs
Support to Srbijagas in gas market opening
The focus of future EU assistance to energy sector would be in environmental protection, alignment with the EU energy legislation, increased share of renewables and improved energy efficiency, all of which be soon available in detail on the web-site of the EU Delegation to Serbia.