First time annual Report not presented in the Parliament


The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia regrets that conditions were not in place today for a presentation of the European Commission’s Serbia 2016 Report to Members of the European Integration Committee of the National Assembly, to which EU Ambassador Michael Davenport had been invited by the Chair of the Committee.

It has been the practice for more than ten years for the Committee to invite the EU Delegation to discuss the Commission’s report with parliamentarians.

The Delegation recognises the important role of the Parliament and its major contribution to Serbia’s European Union accession process. The Delegation is therefore grateful to the Speaker of the Parliament and to the European Integration Committee for seeking to offer an opportunity to hear parliamentarians’ views on the Commission’s 2016 Report.

The Ambassador stands ready to return to the National Assembly at the invitation of the Speaker and the Chair of the Committee when conditions for such a discussions are in place.


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