EU Support to Serbia’s Judicial System


Committed to help courts improve their planning and management abilities, the EU-funded project “Judicial Efficiency” supported the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia by organising training for basic court presidents.

The first in a series of court trainings, entitled „Court Management and Drafting of Backlog Reduction Programs” was held on November 22, 2016, in Belgrade. The one day training had four thematic sessions, all coveringspecific needs of basic courts required for improved management, performance and results.

President of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Dragomir Milojević, spoke on the topic of Court management. “Managing means doing the right things efficiently and effectively through other people and with the help of other people” – said President Milojević, referring to activities and tasks formally assigned to the court president, but actually dependent on all employees in the court. He also stressed that although the court management and responsibilities of court presidents changed over time, the mission remains the same – the court must deal with cases and problems of citizens and legal entities in the most efficient manner.


Deputy President of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Snežana Andrejević, and Head of Budget and Analytic Planning Department of the High Court Council, Milena Lakić, addressed the audience during the second and third sessions. Their presentations covered Case Management and Financial Management.

During the fourth session, Milan Nikolić, the project’s Senior Expert, delivered a presentation on Drafting and implementation of Backlog reduction programs for 2017.

The courts are playing a key role in moving Serbia closer to EU membership, and, as the project’s Team Leader, Brian LeDuc, said while welcoming participants, the hard work and institutionalised cycle of planning, monitoring and evaluation has been integral in recent success.


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