Mogherini on the 1st meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between the EU and Kosovo*


Remarks by the High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogheirni at the press conference following the 1st meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between the European Union and Kosovo

Check against delivery!

I was particularly pleased today to welcome Prime Minister [Isa Mustafa], the Foreign Minister [Enver Hoxhaj], the Interior Minister [Skënder Hyseni] and all the delegation coming from Pristina for this very important day. This importance is reflected in the very high level of the Kosovo delegation; I would like to thank my friends for what has been a very important day in our relations.

I had the pleasure of chairing the 1st ever meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between the European Union and Kosovo. It is a very important moment for us that allowed us to express the full and convinced determination from the European Union’s side to continue supporting Kosovo on its path towards the European Union and the European integration.

It was also a very important day for us as we signed this morning with the Foreign Minister the Framework Agreement on Kosovo’s access to EU programmes. It is an achievement that will strengthen the ties between our societies, especially with an attention to the younger generations. The agreement will allow Kosovo to participate in a number of EU programmes such as Erasmus, Creative Europe, the Civil protection Mechanism, as well as programmes such as COSME which helps small and medium enterprises to access markets in the European Union and beyond, or Horizon 2020 for Research and Technological Development.

So, today the combination of the signature of the Framework Agreement and the first Stabilisation and Association Council following the entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) last April constitute a big step forward in our common work. Today with the Prime Minister and with the delegation we discussed many important issues: the visa liberalisation process; the political situation in Kosovo; the work Kosovo, but also the European Union, is doing to prevent radicalisation, to prevent the issue of foreign fighters; our common work in the integration of the region in the Western Balkans; the EU facilitated Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina that is progressing well. All are important issues not only for the European Union but also for Kosovo.

When it comes to the Dialogue, we underlined the importance of progress on the implementation of all agreements that we already reached. We have indeed encouraging and important steps especially recently on implementation, in particular agreements on freedom of movement, justice, the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and energy. And let me stress in particular the recent important arrangements we managed to achieve on further implementation of the Telecommunications Agreement and we look forward also to the agreed opening of the Mitrovica Bridge in January next year. So I see, and especially I would like to stress on the Telecommunications side, that we have and we are seeing progress that will deliver very important results for the citizens of Kosovo.

Dialogue is the spirit with which we approach the normalisation process. We believe that dialogue inside Kosovo, among different political parties, between the government and the opposition in Parliament is also the way to go and an inclusive respect for constructive dialogue is the one that from the European Union side we are ready to accompany and encourage and again see as the country moves forward in its European Union’s path. I would like to thank sincerely the Prime Minister for all the steps that the country has done in this year and also the entire government, the authorities of the government, the people of the country for what I believe will be also a very good perspective that we will have in our future cooperation.

Thank you very much and I will pass the floor to the Prime Minister.

Q and A

Q: It takes two parts to implement agreements. There are some fears that there might be obstacles for some EU Member States in implementing the SAA because of the position on the status issue. How will you resolve the problem if it arises in implementation?

A: The status issue has never been a problem in advancing our relations. Especially this year you have seen unanimous approval of all the Member States in the European Union of the SAA. We are having this first Council today, with all Member States of the European Union fully behind this process. I am sure I can talk on behalf of all the 28 Member States on their full determination to support Kosovo’s European perspective. So, the status issue has never been and is not – especially in these years – preventing, has never been an issue, has never prevented the European Union from putting in place all its instruments to support Kosovo, to accompany Kosovo, in its European Union path. I am confident this will continue to be the case. And I think that the meeting of today, the historic meeting of today, and the signature we have had today of a very important agreement is going to change people’s lives in very concrete manners, starting from the youth of Kosovo. It is an evident proof of that: I am here on behalf of the 28 Member States, regardless of the status.

Q: Which timeframe for Kosovo joining the EU? (asked to the Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa)

A: If I can add one thing on this because the Prime Minister rightly said: “We are in Europe; we are Europe already and we do not need to become Europe”. I think this is exactly the approach we have taken – Commissioner [Hahn] and myself – with all countries in the Western Balkans and if you look at each and every of them in these last years, in particular in the last two years, we have had enormous steps forwards in the European integration path of every single one, including Kosovo. So, if I can finish with a clear positive note, I think that today is exactly part of this overall positive work that we are doing with the Western Balkans, including your country, Prime Minister.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


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