Before it’s too late


Main goals of the project “Firearms and gender-based violence: towards a culture of responsible handling of firearms” are the promotion of the right to security and safety in Serbia and raising public awareness of the consequences of negligent use of firearms with a special emphasis on the historical context and existing legal framework.

Throughout 2016, Playground production team monitored the developments in the area of firearms and violence as well as the implementation of the new Law on Weapons and Ammunition and observed to what extent it fit the present situation in Serbia. Their efforts have then been translated into a three 52 minute TV shows titled “Before it’s too late” and scheduled to broadcast on RTV Vojvodina in December 2016.

Apart from the TV programme, the same production team is developing a web-site and two specialised free Android applications available to download on Google Play Store. The first app deals with domestic violence – recognising it and asking for help, whereas the the other app offers information on firearms registration, legalisation, ban and safe handling of weapons, as well as penal policy and legal regulations. This segment of the project aims at raising awareness of preventive measures and education, particularly the safety aspect of firearms and disposal of weapons.

The project is funded by the European Union through the EU Delegation to Serbia, via media programme. More information here.


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