Stepping up the return of irregular migrants: European Border and Coast Guard Agency launches pools of return intervention teams


The European Border and Coast Guard Agency has formally launched the European Return Intervention Teams composed of 690 return specialists, return escorts and return monitors. The Agency will now be able to deploy these experts to support Member States to organise and coordinate return operations and cooperate with third-countries on returns and readmission, whenever considered necessary.

Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said: “Ensuring the return of irregular migrants who do not fulfil the conditions for entry, stay or residence in the EU and reducing the incentives for irregular migration are essential components of a well-functioning migration policy and an important objective of our European Agenda on Migration. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency will now be able to provide much needed technical and operational support to Member States to effectively return irregularly staying third country nationals, in strict compliance with EU legislation and fundamental rights.”

Whilst Member States remain responsible for return activities, including for decisions on who has the right to asylum or the right to stay in the EU, and for the issuing of return decisions, the Agency will now have additional tools at its disposal to provide Member States with practical support and assistance on the ground. In urgent situations Rapid European Return Intervention Teams could be deployed at the request of a Member State or on the Agency’s own initiative. A press release from the European Border and Coast Guard is available here.


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