Calm the rhetoric down and reduce the tensions


Statement by EEAS Spokesperson on development of relations between Kosovo* and Serbia after high level meeting of the Dialogue:

“Progress on normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is more than ever of utmost importance to preserve peace and stability between the two sides and in the region; it is also crucial for advancing of both sides towards the European Union.

We recall that in yesterday’s high level meeting of the Dialogue the Presidents and Prime Ministers of Serbia and Kosovo agreed to refrain from any inflammatory rhetoric and statements in order to calm the tensions and focus on the work ahead. We appreciate the conciliatory statements made, and regret very much the further inflammatory statements after yesterday’s understanding. We repeat our call on both sides to calm the rhetoric down and continue with all efforts to reduce the tensions.”

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


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