Juncker outlines migration package in letter to President Tusk ahead of European Council


Ahead of next week’s European Council, President of the European Commission Juncker has written a letter to the President of the European Council Donald Tusk outlining a package of measures on migration which were adopted by the College today.

It includes new guidance on returns, and updates of progress on some of the key migration work-strands which are part of the European Union’s comprehensive migration policy. They are presented together given their close linkages and form the Commission’s contribution to the discussion on migration at the March European Council.

In the letter, President Juncker wrote: The credibility of our actions inside the Union, at our borders and in our migration management is central to building mutual trust and enabling us to act collectively when one Member State is exposed to a high level of migration pressure. By the same token, the more that we can work effectively with third country partners on a joint agenda to address the causes of migration flows at their roots, the greater is the space to ensure a fair and effective system of asylum and migration management here in the EU. All these initiatives have in common that they rest on solidarity, they require responsibility, and that, together, they will deliver a step-change in our ability to manage migration and meet our humanitarian obligations.”


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