The European Council on the Western Balkans and migration


The European Council discussed the fragile situation in the Western Balkans, which it will keep under review, read the Conclusions adopted following the European Council meeting held on 9 March. The Council stresses the importance of continuing on the reform path, good neighbourly relations and inclusive regional cooperation initiatives.

According to the Conclusions, the Council “reaffirmed its unequivocal support for the European perspective of the Western Balkans. Welcoming the progress made by the countries of the region, the European Council stresses that the EU remains committed and engaged at all levels to support them in conducting EU-oriented reforms and projects.”

On migration, the Council referred to the report by the Maltese Prime Minister and the many operational measures decided at the informal meeting in Malta on 3 February 2017 which are in the process of being implemented.

The European Council reiterates its determination to deliver on all the elements of the Malta Declaration and fully supports the work of the Council Presidency, in close cooperation with the Commission and the High Representative. It also stands behind the actions undertaken by individual Member States to support the Libyan authorities as well as their North African and southern neighbours in their efforts to address the challenges of illegal migration. The UNHCR and IOM are important partners in this respect.

The EU will continue to remain vigilant on all major migration routes so as to be able to react rapidly to developments. The European Council welcomes the Commission Communication on a Renewed Action Plan on Return, called for in the Malta Declaration, as well as the accompanying Recommendation to Member States, and invites the Council to rapidly examine them. It recalls the need to pursue work on a range of well-functioning EU readmission arrangements with third countries.

Concerning the internal dimension, “the effective application of the principles of responsibility and solidarity remains a shared objective. The European Council calls for further efforts to rapidly deliver on all aspects of the comprehensive migration policy resilient to future crises, including with the aim of achieving consensus on the EU’s asylum policy during the current Presidency,” read the Conclusions, announcing that the European Council will return to these issues in June 2017.

Read the integral text of European Council Conclusions here


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