A Global Strategy to promote citizens interests


“A fragile world calls for a more confident and responsible European Union, it calls for an outward and forward looking European foreign and security policy. Our citizens understand that we need to collectively take responsibility for our role in the world. This is no time for uncertainty: our Union needs a strategy. We need a shared vision, and common action.”

– Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign and Security Policy/ Vice President of the Commission

The EU Global Strategy

In times of change and unpredictability, we need a strong European Union like never before. It is what our citizens deserve and what the wider world expects. The threats we face are too large for any single state to tackle, but together we can successfully meet challenges such as terrorism and climate change. Yet these are also times of extraordinary opportunity. Global growth, mobility, and technological progress enable us to thrive, and allow ever more people to live longer, freer lives.

In such exceptional circumstances, the European Union needs a compass – a strategic sense of direction, a shared vision, a platform for acting together. This is why, in June 2016, the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini presented a new Global Strategy for the EU’s foreign and security policy: “Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe

As the result of an extensive consultation process, this Strategy sets out our core interests and principles for engaging in the world, and helps explain what the EU stands for and hopes to achieve.

Our Shared Interests and Principles

In a complex, connected, and contested world, it is essential for the EU to ensure peace and security for its citizens and territory, as well as advance the prosperity of its people. On top of this, the EU needs to uphold the strength and values of democracy and champion a rules-based global order.

To promote these interests, the EU’s external action needs to be guided by clear principles.

While the EU has the greatest influence when it stands united on the global stage, it can’t be afraid to engage with others. Setting up barriers between us and the rest of the world is not a solution, and the EU has to create stable partnerships – not only with states, but also international actors, civil society, and the private sector. Finally, the EU needs to be steered by a strong sense of responsibility in order to effectively respond to the growing problems of the world.

These principles can help us pursue five broad priorities in our external action: The Security of our Union, State and Societal Resilience, An Integrated Approach to Conflicts, Cooperative Regional Orders, and Global Governance for the 21st Century.


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