European Film Festival opens in Novi Sad: Appreciation of individuality a symbol of Europe


“I am very happy to know that the European Film Festival kicks off here in Novi Sad, the 2021 European Capital of Culture, the city that is Europe in miniature, because of its rich and long history of respect for diversity. The appreciation of individuality, the tolerance for and harmony among all the elements that constitute the big EU family – this is the true symbol of Europe,” said Nicolas Bizel of the EU Delegation to Serbia as he opened the European Film Festival at the Novi Sad Cultural Centre. The Festival is organised by the EU Delegation to Serbia, the EU Info Centre in Belgrade and the Info Point Novi Sad to mark the Europe Day and Europe Month in Serbia.

The audience was greeted by the Novi Sad Cultural Centre Director of the film programme Djordje Kacanski. He said that the films of the Old Continent conveyed a message about the unity of diversity by bringing into focus ordinary people and their every day lives which reflect everything that surrounds them – politics, religion, affection, the good and the evil.

Following the opening remarks by Aleksandar Petrovic, the member of Novi Sad’s Mayor staff in charge of international cooperation, and a short video titled “60 years of Europe,” the Festival was officially opened with the film by the Serbian director Milos Radovic “Train Driver’s Diary.”.

“Train Driver’s Diary” was followed by a German film “Europe, she loves“.

Apart from numerous citizens of Novi Sad, the launch of the Festival was also attended by the participants of the Assembly of European Regions, hosted by the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.

During the eight days of the Festival, which runs through 15 May, the audiences in Novi Sad will have an opportunity to watch 18 films from Serbia, Slovakia, Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Portugal.

Two films will be screened each evening, at 19:00 and 21:00. The entrance is free and citizens can pick up their free tickets ahead of each screening at the Cultural Centre, Katolicka porta 5, Novi Sad.


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