EU for Serbia: Scenes from life


The forthcoming Mikser Festival will feature a photo exhibition titled ”EU for Serbia: Scenes from life“ – a selection of photographs depicting success stories about Serbia-EU cooperation in various aspect of life – from education and support for local development, environment and assistance to refugees and IDPs, to culture. The photos illustrate a selection of over 600 projects through which the EU development assistance is implemented and convey messages of the values shared by Serbia and the EU – from solidarity to preservation of cultural heritage.

The exhibition was arranged by the EU Delegation to Serbia and the EU Info Centre. The visitors of the Mikser Festival will have a chance to see “the scenes from life” that occurred during the implementation of these EU-funded projects. The show is organised within the campaign EU for Serbia aimed at showcasing assistance the EU has provided to Serbia and has so far been on display in Zrenjanin and Belgrade as part of the Europe Day celebration. Since 2001Serbia has benefitted from more than EUR3 billion in non-refundable grants; the assistance continues as Serbia increasingly assumes its position in the European family.

The EU Delegation to Serbia support 2017 Mikser Festival, running from 25-28 May in Belgrade. This is the ninth edition of the Mikser Festival, taking place at a new location, in Dorcol.


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