EU PROGRES programme call for proposals for municipalities and civil society organisations in Southern Serbia


European PROGRES programme announced a call for proposals of partnership projects of civil society organisations and municipalities in Southern Serbia. Maximum duration of projects is 12 months, whereas the maximum grant value is EUR20.000. Deadline for submitting the proposals is 31 October 2014.

Each project should be anchored in the municipal sustainable development strategies and support one of the following priorities: employment, poverty reduction, helping social inclusion of vulnerable groups, promotion of intercultural dialogue, raising awareness on migration issues and helping reduce human trafficking.

Individual projects stemming from partnerships between CSOs and local self-governments will be allocated with up to RSD 2,3 million. If a partnership includes at least two organisations and two municipalities, the maximum support will amount up to RSD 4,6 million. One of the call for proposals’ preconditions is that partner organisations need to provide financial contribution of at least 10 percent of donor funding. In total, the values of individual projects must not exceed RSD 4,6 million, or RSD 9,2 million if two organisations and two municipalities take part.

The list of the eligible municipalities and other information can be found at:

European PROGRES is a multi-donor programme, funded by the EU, Swiss and Serbian Governments, designed to support sustainable development in South East and South West Serbia.


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