A Europe that delivers: Commission presents ideas for a more efficient European Union


Ahead of the Informal Leaders’ meeting on 23 February 2018, the European Commission is today presenting a number of practical steps that could make the European Union’s work more efficient, and improve the connection between the leaders of the EU institutions and the citizens of Europe.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said today: “I have always said that form should follow function – this is not the time for long discussions about institutional reform or Treaty change. There are, however, a number of steps we can take to make the work of the European Union even more efficient in delivering on the key priorities that matter for Europeans. There are many options but the goal must be one and the same: creating a Europe that delivers.”

Today’s contribution from the Commission sets out the different institutional options for improving the organisation of European elections and deepening the connection between the leaders of the EU institutions and the citizens of Europe – from lead candidates, to transnational lists all the way to a double-hatted President for the European Commission and European Council. A press release is available online, along with a series of explanatory factsheets.


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