New perspectives in EU-Western Balkans cultural relations


Creative Europe Forum 2018, a traditional event of the Creative Europe Desk Serbia will take place 20th-22nd June at several locations in Belgrade (Ilija M. Kolarac Foundation, Museum of Contemporary Art, Memorial Museum of Vuk, Memorial Museum of Dositej, Kvaka 22, Youth Centre of Belgrade, Legacy Franklin, club Polet, EU Info Centre) and this year it is special for two reasons.

Firstly, it is organised in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Delegation of the EU in Serbia, EUNIC Global, State Institute for Culture of Bulgaria, specifically on the occasion of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Since it is presiding, Bulgaria is initiating the topic of the position of Western Balkans, and a part of the Forum programme will be dedicated to the question of international cultural relations and cooperation between the Western Balkans and the European Union, and the results of the Forum will nurture future reflections on the implementationofthe European Union’s cultural strategy in the region.

Secondly, Creative Europe Forum 2018 will mark the European year of cultural heritage through various programmes shedding new light on the notion of European cultural heritage and the questions around it.

The main topics which will be approached through panels, lectures, workshops, guides and exhibitions are:

  • Cultural cooperation, international relations and repositioning of the Western Balkans;
  • European Year of Cultural Heritage; culture of remembrance, history, European cultural heritage and its cultural, social and economic potentials and contributions;
  • Archiving heritage: the Internet, performing arts, collections;
  • Practical knowledge: project development and applying.

With participation of a great number of domestic and foreign experts, the Forum will offer a framework for a dialogue about the past and the joint planning for a better and more responsible European future.

Hence, the Creative Europe Desk Serbia and the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Serbia are inviting all cultural professionals to join the Creative Europe Forum 2018 for the sake of strengthening professional connections, obtaining new information, participating in the creation of the vision of future and joint work on raising awareness of possibilities and importance of cultural projects for the overall social development of our continent!

The Agenda of the Forum will be published soon. If you interested in participating, please fill out this form


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