EU: Election result proof of support for EU orientation


European Commissioner for Enlargement Štefan Füle expressed his satisfaction at the fact that the citizens of Serbia once again supported the European orientation of government policy in the parliamentary elections held on 16 March, but he also warned that by winning an absolute majority in the Parliament, Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) was entrusted with a great responsibility.

„Serbia will be expected to tackle with renewed impetus the many reform challenges lying ahead, most particularly to pursue the work in the areas of the rule of law and fundamental rights and undertake structural economic reforms,” Füle says in the statement.

„It is also essential that Belgrade continues with its engagement in the dialogue with Pristina with the view to expedite the implementation of agreements reached so far and further build up normalisation of relations,” the statement underlined.

By congratulating Serbia for elections that “offered voters a genuine choice” and “were conducted on a sound legal basis,” Füle emphasised international observers’ notice that further legal reform is still needed and highlighted in particular the need for increased media pluralism. “ I encourage the Serbian authorities to address these recommendations early in the next legislature,” said Füle.

He welcomed the SNS President Aleksandar Vučić’s intention to form new government swiftly.

„As Serbia is in the first year of its EU accession negotiations, it is indeed all the more important that parliament is constituted and a new government is formed in good time,” says the Commissioner Füle’s statement.

Statement in full


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