Joint training of professionals in the fight against corruption held


Goal of the joint training is to strengthen capacities in state institutions in implementing the new law, which enhances their cooperation in the joint fight against corruption

More than 50  representatives of state institutions involved in the fight against corruption and organized crime participated in two  three-day training seminars organized jointly by the European Union (EU) funded project “Prevention and Fight against Corruption” and the OPDAT  (Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training) US Department of Justice, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia, the Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office and the JudicialAcademy. The participants were from the special departments established in Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad and Kraljevo.

The goal of the joint training, which was held in Ecka in two sessions, 7-9 and 11-13 June 2018, was to provide support to state institutions in the implementation of the Law on Organization and Jurisdiction of State Authorities in Combating Organized Crime, Terrorism and Corruption that has been in place since 1st March 2018.

The training was attended by representatives of the Judiciary, Anti-Corruption Agency, Police, Tax Police, Customs Administration,  Public Procurement Administration , Prosecutors,  Business Registry Agency,  National Bank of Serbia,  State Audit Institution,  Republic Cadastral Registryand the  Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering.

On the second day of the training H.E. Mr. Kyle Scott, US Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia, addressed the audience, highlighting the importance of the fight against corruption and the US support to Serbia in this fight.

Radomir Ilic, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, thanked all for support in organizing the event and pointed out that the Ministry would actively monitor the implementation of the Law that enabled cooperation of all state institutions and bodies in joint fight against corruption.

Director of the Judicial Academy, Nenad Vujic, stressed that the synergy between all representatives of institutions that will work together on corruption investigations is important.

Deputy Chief Prosecutor Miljko Radisavljevic pointed out that education of professionals is critical in the fight against corruption and economic crime. Together with American and the experts on the EU Project, Deputy Chief Prosecutor Radisavljevic led two three-day trainings.

During the workshop, Marcello Repici, task manager of the EU Delegation to Serbia, thanked the participants and stressed that the Project will continue to provide active support through the organization of training for representatives of institutions. He recalled the struggle against the Sicilian mafia led by Giovanni Falcone, an Italian judge who was killed in 1992. “Follow the money and you’ll find the crime,” Falcone said.

This training was organized as a practical workshop for professionals who will fight against corruption in everyday work. Working in groups, participants studied and discussed the role of liaison officers, new methods in conducting criminal investigations, the relationship between prosecutors, the police and liaison officers, developing appropriate procedures and best practices and approaches to allow new specialized units to proactively fight against corruption.

The training in Ecka supports the Republic of Serbia in its implementation of the new Law with the aim to more efficiently and effectively investigate and prosecute cases of corruption and economic crimes.

Special departments for combating corruption in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and Kraljevo were established within the higher public prosecutor’s offices and higher courts based on the new Law on Organization and Jurisdiction of State Authorities in Combating Organized Crime, Terrorism and Corruption, as well as a special anti-corruption unit within the police. The law provides for establishment of liaison officers in 13 state institutions dealing with suppression of corruption. Since 1st March 2018 prosecutors may form task force units to investigate criminal activity as specified in the new law. In addition to specialized prosecutors and financial forensics, the task force units will also include experts from other state bodies who will participate in investigations.

For more information about the project please visit:


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