The Supreme Court of Cassation and the Judicial Academy signed the Memorandum of Cooperation


The Supreme Court of Cassation of the Republic of Serbia and the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia signed the Memorandum of Cooperation in the area of the exchange of judicial decisions from the databases of the jurisprudence of the two institutions

The Memorandum stipulates the cooperation between the Supreme Court of Cassation of the Republic of Serbia and the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia, which is related to the exchange and availability of judicial decisions that are kept in the databases of the jurisprudence in the two institutions for the purpose of comprehensive, precise, and faster access to the decisions of the courts in the Republic of Serbia, as well as to the decisions of the relevant international courts, which are of importance for the work of the judiciary in the Republic of Serbia.

Through the integrated browsing through the above databases, according to the uniformly defined keys, agreed by both institutions, the judges in Serbia are getting the possibility to very efficiently and effectively improve their work, to witthrough significantly reduced time of browsing through the databases of judicial decisions, as well as to enhance the quality of decisions of the courts in the Republic of Serbia.

The Supreme Court of Cassation and the Judicial Academy are going to take part in the above specified activities on their ownand with the assistance of the international projects intended to build the capacities of both institutions for the purpose of as successful as possible implementation of the activities envisaged by this Memorandum of Cooperation.

The goals that are wished to be attained by enabling the exchange of data between the two databases of the judicial practice are multiple and build upon the previously produced results during the EU projects ,,Judicial Efficiency” (the JEP) and „Support to the Judicial Academy“ (the EUSJAP).

The results of the ,,Judicial Efficiency” project are related to the definition of the improved list of key words and opening of individual accounts for the use of the database of the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Cassation, to every judge in all the courts in the Republic of Serbia.

On the other hand, the „Support to the Judicial Academy“ project has to a considerable extentcontributed to the formation of the database of the jurisprudence of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Enabling the exchange of data between the two existing databases, with references to the decisions that can be linked, between the domestic judiciary and the decisions of the Court in Strasbourg, creates the preconditions for a comprehensive examination and analysis of the judicial decisions that could provide to the judges inthe Republic of Serbia, as well as to the wider professional public, the chronological insight into the decisions in the cases of interest to the court practice.

Source: Judicial Academy


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