A new home – 276 apartments for refugee families near Novi Sad


The Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Mateja Norcic Stamcar layed today the foundation stone for 276 new apartments for refugee families.

Once the construction of the apartment buildings is finished families who fled Bosnia or Croatia in the wars of the 1990s will be having a new home in Veternik near Novi Sad soon. The project worth 6.4 million Euros is part of the Regional Housing Programme (RHP)  which is largely financed by the European Union in cooperation with the United States, the OSCE and other countries. Mrs Norcic Stamcar thanked the municipality of Novi Sad for its support for finding a durable housing solution for the families. “Let me also thank the families themselves. You have been waiting for this day very long and there will be also many challenges ahead of you. But the European Union is ready to support you in your efforts for a better life for you, your families and your community.”

Since April 2013 housing solutions to some 11 300 households or an estimated 34 000 persons have been provided through this programme across the Western Balkans. Serbia has been awarded the largest share of grants for housing under this programme amounting to EUR 105 million or 57% of all approvals. The European Commission is planning to contribute a further EUR 25 million from the IPA 2018 funds in favour of the RHP in Serbia. The ceremony was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dacic, the Mayor Of Novi Sad,  Milos Vucevic, as well as the Serbian Commissioner for Refugees & Migrants Mr Vladimir Cucic, and representatives of the other donors.


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