“Piecing Together“ – EU PRO launches CfP for social cohesion fostering in multi-ethnic municipalities


The EU PRO development programme has published a Public Call for Proposals titled “Piecing Together” designed to support projects implemented by CSOs and local self-governments aimed at fostering social cohesion in multi-ethnic municipalities in two regions of Serbia: Sumadija and Western Serbia and Southern and Eastern Serbia. Through this Call, the European Union supports projects that contribute to reducing inequalities and discrimination, promotion of inter-ethnic understanding and providing equal opportunities all.

The Call runs through 5 December 2018 with 32 nationally mixed[2] local self-governments[1] (as defined by the Law on Local Self-Governments) and civil society organisations registered in these towns and municipalities. They may submit project proposals related to improving the socio-economic situation of vulnerable groups through their economic empowerment and improving access to social and health care, education and other fundamental rights.

Also, projects may be focused on improving inter-ethnic relations and dialogue through enhanced cooperation among communities of different ethnic background, and fostering inter-municipal cooperation between multi-ethnic communities through networking and exchange of experiences and good practices. CSOs and local self-governments may also prepare projects that may contribute to aligning local national minority policies with the national regulatory framework.

“Through these projects, the European Union supports the creation of a society dedicated to the well-being of all its members, a society in which people are protected against discrimination, trust their fellow citizens and institutions and work together for a better future for themselves, their families and their community,” said Graeme Tyndall, EU PRO Programme Manager.

The individual project may be awarded anywhere in the range between EUR10,000 to EUR15,000, while the projects submitted in partnership may be awarded up to EUR30,000.

To bring the CfP closer to interested civil society organisations and local self-governments, the EU PRO will host info sessions in Kucevo (30 October), Bor (31 October), Valjevo (2 November), Sjenica (6 November), Nis (7 November) and Vranje (8 November). All interested parties should confirm their attendance at info sessions via email at: biljanak@unops.org.

More information on the CfP, selection criteria, application method as well as the application forms, is available at Public Call for Proposals for Social Cohesion Fostering in Multi-ethnic Municipalities.

The European Union supports the activities of the EU PRO, a programme aimed at promoting a more balanced socio-economic development of Serbia, with a total of EUR25 million. The programme seeks to improve competitiveness of micro and small enterprises and the business environment and to advance social cohesion in 99 local self-governments in two Serbian regions: Sumadija and Western Serbia, and Southern and Eastern Serbia. All activities on the ground are implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).


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