EU continues to support local administration as social development pillar


European Commission and the Government of Serbia will soon sign IPA 2014 Financing Agreement that will allow continued support to local administration whose strengthening ensures local and social development, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport said, addressing the conference “Establishment of institutional mechanisms for EU affairs in local government units in Serbia”.

“I am happy to announce further support for local administration under upcoming IPA 2014 Financing Agreement, soon to be signed between the Government of Serbia and the European Commission,” Davenport said.

EU Ambassador stressed that good administration “primarily means services to citizens based on principles of transparency, legality, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness. It comprises procedures, mechanism and institutions that enable the citizens to exercise their rights.”

According to him, Over EUR330 million of EU funds have been provided for municipal support activities in Serbia since the year 2000.

“The IPA-2 financial perspective which will run from 2014 to 2020 will help candidate countries to reform and strengthen priority sectors, including the Public administration, Private sector development, Social development and Environment, all of which are of direct concern to local governments,” Davenport added.


He also explained that decentralisation meant devolving policies and resources to enable local social and economic development.

“It is a key pillar of democratic society and a necessary ingredient of balanced regional development. Decentralisation can increase ownership of policies, raise responsibility, and empower the citizens and local communities,” Davenport said.

“Over 70 percent of the EU legislation is implemented at the local level. This clearly demonstrates the importance of municipalities in the EU, and debunks a popular myth that the EU is a project of the central government alone,” he added.

 Ambassador Davenport’s speech


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