Mogherini in Munich: The European way to security


“None of the security challenges our world faces today can be effectively addressed with a purely military approach” High Representative / Vice-President Mogherini said taking the floor at the 55th Munich Security Conference. The European Union has made unprecedented progress in working together to develop its hard power over the past years. At the same time, it continues to champion soft power instruments, the EU’s ”trade mark”. This has made the European Union ”a real security provider”.

Europeans know that ”the logic of spheres of influence and zero-sum games does not work”, Mogherini said. The Munich Security Conference is the world’s leading forum for debating international security policy. This year, the Munich Security Report – published ahead of the conference – speaks of an epochal shift in the international security order, with one era coming to an end.

Commenting on these challenges, HR/VP Mogherini explained how the European way to security and defence is through cooperation, investing in partnerships and multilateralism, deploying Europe’s trade-mark soft power whilst adding a credible hard power component to it.

Solving a crisis or preventing one does not only or always require a traditional security component. It also requires a ”creative mix of tools” that can include diplomacy and mediation, economic support, human rights, climate action, humanitarian aid, training for local security forces. This is Europe’s unique soft power.

At the same time, Europeans have made unprecedented progress in working together on military capacity and the defence industry over the past years – with such initiatives as PESCO, for example. ”This is a big part of our work on the Europe of defence, to incentivise Member States, to plan together their defence spending, to invest together, to research together, but also to train their troops together, and to act together on the ground”, High Representative Mogherini explained.

Cooperation with partners – including the UN and NATO – is key. EU-NATO cooperation is stronger than ever before, and building a European defence also means strengthening NATO. In the High Representative’s words: ”For us Europeans, strategic autonomy and cooperation with our partners are two sides of the same coin. We have chosen the path – if you allow me to use a new expression – of cooperative autonomy”.


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