Certificates awarded within the EU PRO Project


The entrepreneurs and the representatives of 68 companies have received certificates of participation in the EU PRO programme, which is the part of EU support for small and micro businesses. The certificates were awarded by Mr Christian Danielsson, Director-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations and Ms Jadranka Joksimovic, Minister of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia.

Award ceremony was held in Kraljevo. Mr Danielsson congratulated the awarded companies, stating that he was impressed with the presentations, which were the proof that such programmes, implemented in cooperation with the Serbian Government, had concrete results.

“I believe that this is a proper way of using the EU support, when it comes to supporting small and medium businesses. That is why I am very happy to be here, and I hope I will have the opportunity to see most of you again when you move to the next stage. The lesson learnt from such project would be how to convey such success stories in other areas as well” concluded Mr Danielsson.

Regardless of political circumstances, we are determined to use the period before full membership, when different programmes and opportunities are available to us, to develop not only our economy, but also to continue on the path of sustainable development, says Ms Joksimovic.

“The European Union is a club of states which have proved that common interests and common policy formulation which are important for states and their citizens have brought peace, prosperity, a higher standard of living and better living conditions,” emphasised the Minister, noting that success does not happen overnight.

The total value of the approved funds amounts to almost EUR 1.4 million. Previously, 38 companies signed the contracts in Bujanovac on February 22 in the presence of Mr Sem Fabrizi, Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia.

EU PRO aims to contribute to the creation of conditions for attracting new investments and job creation, better competitiveness of businesses, improved performance of local self-governments and the improvement of social inclusion. The European Union has allocated funds amounting to EUR 25 million for this three-year programme, which started in January 2018.

The programme is implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration, line ministries and institutions of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.


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