Contracts on Awarding Lump Sum signed in Ruma


Ruma, 19th August, 2015

On 17th August, 2015, in the Municipality of Ruma, contracts on awarding lump sum non-refundable aid in construction material for the needs of refugees and internally displaced persons aimed at completion or adaptation of housing project were signed in the scope of the project “Support to the improvement of the living conditions of forced migrants and closure of collective centers – Improving Living Conditions, Building Livelihoods: Comprehensive Assistance to Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Ruma”. The contracts were signed with 29 households of refugees and internally displaced persons with the goal of improving housing conditions in the process of integration.

The project is financed by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and is implemented by the Municipality of Ruma with the support of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migrations of the Republic of Serbia. The relevant project is part of a wider support programme of the European Union “Support to the improvement of the living conditions of forced migrants and closure of collective centers “For a better life” whose total value is 14,2 million euros.

Construction material is allocated to the refugees and internally displaced persons who live in inadequate accommodation, and are owners of the object without necessary living conditions or they have started construction but without a possibility to complete it independently.
Construction material is allocated to the beneficiaries in line with their needs and it will be delivered in the period from 19th August, 2015 to the 25th August, 2015.

The Municipality of Ruma is the owner of the construction material until it is being used for construction while the Beneficiary is obliged to build in the allocated construction material exclusively with the defined purpose.

Commissariat for Refugees and Migrations of the republic of Serbia has provided all the necessary support for the implementation of these activities all with the goal of improving life quality and housing conditions for refugees and internally displaced persons.

Project “FOR A BETTER LIFE” is in line with the valid state politics towards refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees, and it completely reflects the essential principle – support to the integration of forced migrants who have chosen to stay in Serbia, as well as to those who have decided to return to Kosovo.

For more information about the project please click here.


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