EU Council proposes Jean-Claude Juncker for new President of the European Commission


The European Council agreed to propose Jean-Claude Juncker to the European Parliament as candidate for President of the European Commission. In this context, it agreed the strategic agenda of key priorities for the next five years. It invited the EU institutions and the Member States to fully implement these priorities in their work.

The European Council welcomed the signature of the Association Agreements, including Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas, between the European Union and Georgia and the Republic of Moldova, as well as the signature of the remainder of the Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, between the European Union and Ukraine.

The European Council defined the strategic guidelines for legislative and operational planning for the coming years within the area of freedom, security and justice and also addressed some related horizontal issues.

It concluded the 2014 European Semester and called for additional efforts to strengthen Europe’s capacity to grow and create more jobs.

The European Council took stock of progress made towards a final decision in October on the 2030 climate and energy policy framework and supported the immediate implementation of a set of most urgent measures to strengthen Europe’s resilience and increase its energy security. As part of the preparations for the October European Council meeting, the Council was asked to further analyse other medium to long-term measures to enhance the EU’s energy security.

The conclusions of the European Council


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