Campaign for the Promotion of an „Administration for All of Us“ Launched


The right to equal and unbiased treatment, a kind word, professional service, dignity, participation in the decision making process on public spending, obeying the rules – these are just some of the important postulates of the administration tailored to all citizens, which will be presented during the promotional campaign launched by the Government of the Republic of Serbia and supported by the European Union.

This campaign was created to raise awareness among the citizens of Serbia on the importance of reforming the public administration into an efficient, open and transparent organisation at the service of the, citizens and businesses. It also showcases the activities and results of public administration reform, carried out by the Government of Serbia with the support of the European Union, in order to provide citizens with information on their rights and to encourage their greater participation in the decision-making process.

The campaign, under the slogan “Administration tailored for all of us”, includes a series of television commercials, events, billboards, newspaper ads and articles in which citizens can find out more on the process of public administration reform. The reform, which is based on the Public Administration Strategy and the accompanying Action Plan, is coordinated by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government. Its implementation involves a numberofstate institutions that, with the professional and financial support of the European Union, create the conditions for a modern and efficient public administration – a public administration tailored to all citizens. During the campaign, a web page will also belaunchedin order to providecitizens  with the most important information on the activities being carried out, as well as numerous useful instructions, guides and explanations about individual administrative procedures in one place.

The campaign starts at the end of November and will last until end of December.

The European Union strongly supports public administration reform in Serbia. Until now, the European Union donated over200 million euros to Serbia to improve public administration in Serbia, of which 70 million were direct budget support.




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