Non-EU citizens twice as likely to be at risk of poverty or social exclusion as EU nationals in 2013


Almost half (48.7 percent) of non-EU citizens aged 18 and over were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the EU28 in 2013, while the levels for citizens of the reporting country, referred to as “nationals”, and for citizens of another EU Member State were much lower (22.8 percent and 28.1 percent respectively), latest Eurostat survey showed.

The pattern was very similar for the severe material deprivation rate, one of the three elements contributing to being at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

In 2013 in the EU28, one out of every five non-EU citizens aged 18 and over (20.7 percent) was severely materially deprived, meaning that they had living conditions constrained by a lack of resources such as not being able to afford to pay their bills, keep their home adequately warm, or take a one week holiday away from home.

The share was 8.9 percent for nationals and even lower for citizens of another EU Member State (7.4 percent). Press material is available online.


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