Regional conference on fundamental rights: press release


The conference on “Fundamental rights, non-discrimination and the protection of vulnerable groups, including LGBTI”, which took place in Albania on 20-21 November 2014, has shown that enlargement countries have improved legal and policy framework for fundamental rights, but that LGBTI citizens remain at risk of discrimination, marginalization or even violence.

“This conference has shown that enlargement countries have put in place key elements of the legal and policy framework for fundamental rights and non-discrimination.  Vulnerable groups, among them LGBTI citizens, nonetheless often remain at risk of discrimination, marginalization or even violence,” the participating Members of the European Parliament, the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission said in a statement.

“We encourage governments and political leaders of the region to demonstrate their commitment to ensuring that all minorities and vulnerable groups are accepted and can participate freely in society,” the statement said.

“They should also ensure that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity is prohibited in law and that persons belonging to minorities can equally exercise their rights,” it added.

A hierarchy of grounds must be avoided and attention should be paid to multiple forms of discrimination. Finally, sustained efforts are needed to implement and enforce relevant legislation and policies, to adopt pending reforms and to work at changing societal attitudes from prejudice and even hostility to respect and acceptance,” the statement said.


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