Pandemic—New Call to Protect the Environment


The COVID-19 crisis has put an additional emphasis on the importance of embracing the values of the European Green Deal by the EU, Serbia, and the Western Balkans.

We welcomed this year’s Earth Day in our homes, isolated and worried about how our world would look after

the coronavirus crisis.

The only thing we know for certain about the future is that we will need a healthy planet with healthy people more than ever before.

That is why we mark the day of environmental protection together—by celebrating and planning our next steps.

Climate change, the loss of biodiversity, and the spread of the pandemic are sending a clear message: it is time we mended our relations with nature.

The crisis is testing the limits of our system.

The latest Ipsos poll conducted in 14 countries revealed that citizens support government actions to prioritise climate change in post-pandemic economic recovery and shift the economy toward the principles of circular “green” economy, innovative “clean” technology and job creation.

Now, perhaps more than ever, is the time for ambitious plans.

Within the European Green Deal, which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, will set out actions in the fields of climate, energy, circular economy, construction, mobility, agriculture, sustainable food chains, biodiversity and de-pollution. The engagement of Serbia in achieving these goals could help the economy and create new jobs.

The European Green Deal has been announced as a pathway to achieve a sustainable economy. The funding for those activities should be used to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The European Commission has published the first European law on climate and the Strategy on Biodiversity for 2030, new industrial strategy and action plan on circular economy, the so-called “Farm to Fork” strategy, and proposals for Europe without pollution. Actions to increase European emission goals by 2030 will be put in motion immediately, setting a realistic goal for 2050. Estimates show that, in order to achieve current climate and energy goals by 2030, additional annual investment of EUR260 billion needs to be secured.

Both EU Member States and candidate countries need to change the paradigm of their economic development models, integrating circular economy principles, where the use of natural resources is reduced and recycling and reuse are enhanced. Serbia is faced with a major opportunity to take a step toward innovative green technologies.

On 21 January 2020, the Serbian Government adopted the Negotiating Position for Chapter 27, as a result of a colossal three-year work continuously supported by the EU and its Member States, such as Sweden. This document officially recognises key policy decisions, implementation plans for EU Directives and a Multi-annual Investment and Financing Plan. For Serbia, it is crucial to adopt climate law and strategy and review Nationally Determined Contributions, with considerable support from the UNDP.

Carbon reduction commitments, based on a clean energy supply and smart mobility solutions, are in the best interest of citizens of the region, especially younger generations, as is the energy efficiency of buildings and industrial plants.

Also, Serbia is faced with waste management challenges as more and more waste is piling up and recycling remains low. Several waste management facilities meet modern standards, but most of the waste ends up in illegal dumps or unsanitary landfills. Furthermore, the need to improve waste collection and separation, and increase industrial recycling become more and more obvious. 

Air pollution affects both the public health and the economies of the region and beyond. The main causes of air pollution are well-known: outdated energy production methods, household and small unit heating, transport. Recent studies show that the percentage of deaths due to air pollution is higher in the Western Balkans than in the EU. This is linked to 16 coal power plants operating in the region, which pollute more than 250 coal plants operating in the EU. Indoor smoking and related health risks exacerbate the situation even further.

Serbia’s biodiversity and its habitats are unique in Europe and are home to a large number of endangered species. The future lies in protecting these ecosystems while promoting green economic activities. Economic growth of the region and biodiversity preservation must go hand in hand.

“All of our projects are designed and implemented to achieve a positive impact on the environment and citizen’s quality of life. The EU has invested around 400 million euros in environmental protection in Serbia over the past 19 years. We are talking, of course, about grants and not loans”, EU Ambassador to Serbia Sem Fabrizi said.

The EU has invested around 400 million euros in environmental protection in Serbia over the past 19 years.

In the sector of air quality, the EU has installed 28 automatic monitoring stations and intends to invest further. The EU has financed an ash disposal system and filtration system at Nikola Tesla power plant, reducing emissions of matter particulates into the air in Obrenovac sixfold. In February 2020, when air pollution in Serbia exceeded all prescribed levels, the EU offered support and advice to Serbia, coordinating its actions with the international community, and hosting public and TV debates. The first national Air quality strategy is under preparation.

In Subotica, the EU has built a modern Regional Waste Management Centre worth over 20 million euros. In Duboko (central Serbia), the EU co-financed a regional landfill that serves nine municipalities, with a capacity of  80 tonnes of waste, reducing threats to the environment and public health. In Šabac, the EU invested in waste removal and disposal, wastewater treatment and a flood defence system. We’ve also helped to develop a hazardous medical waste management system at the national level.

When it comes to water management, Serbia is in dire need of investment. The EU has supported the construction of wastewater treatment plants in Subotica, Šabac, Leskovac, Kula and Vrbas, as well as the upgrading of water supply systems in Požarevac, Inđija and many other places. The first ever River Basin Management Plan for Serbia is currently being prepared by a pool of national and international experts.

The EU supports the protection of biodiversity through its Natura 2000 project, which aims to protect core areas for species or habitat types listed in the Habitats and Birds Directives. In Serbia, 89 habitat types, 150 animal species from the Habitats Directive annexes, and 116 bird species from the Annex I of the Birds Directive have been found.

To quote EU Delegation Head Fabrizi: “Together with the government, civil society, and the public and private sectors, we will continue to raise citizens’ environmental awareness. We will not stop investing for the benefit of Serbian citizens. We need to protect, restore, and fund the green recovery and transition, for the sake of health and well-being of all citizens.

The EU is raising awareness about environmental issues with all stakeholders, and engaging citizens by urging them to be agents of change through campaigns such as “Look around, Let’s Move”, the tree planting campaign launched with the EXIT Foundation, support for Green Fest and others, and by organising public discussions and debates.

Taking environmental action by starting small can create major change! The EU Delegation to Serbia is already implementing its own Green plan by reducing the use of paper and single-use plastic, and saving electricity. Change starts with each and every one of us!


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