EU Financial Assistance to Serbia and FYROM


The European Commission will give Serbia and FYROM EUR 17 million as part of a money package of assistance to the countries affected by the refugee crisis, Belgrade media reported.

As part of this package, the EU will allocate a billion euros to Turkey.

EC President Jean Claud Juncker said that the EU must go further than determining quotas for allocation of refugees in member-states.

“The decision to distribute 160,000 refugees is historic and demonstrates European solidarity. It cannot be the end of the story, but it is time for further and more determined action of the European Union, through institutions of all member states,” he said.

The fund for solving the migrant crisis have increased by these decisions for an additional EUR 1.7 billion. EU Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva said that with additional funds the EU has set aside a total of EUR 9.5 billion for the crisis.


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