Magic is in the Teachers’ Hands Competition


Play online game about Prince Marko, hear news from Ancient Rome news agency, attend a short online course about Branislav Nušić or a course in one of his works, or learn more about nuclear reactors.

These were some of the innovative solutions offered by teachers from across Serbia aimed at improving e-learning, that are among the best innovations in Europe. In April 2020, the European Training Foundation launched project Education during the COVID-19 crisis in an effort to contribute to mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on education systems in European countries. One of the best examples came from Serbia as one of the winners of Magic is in the Teachers’ Hands competition organised by NALED.

A dozen winners were chosen among more than 700 entries from almost 400 schools nationwide. The winner of People’s choice Award was decided by 185,000 online votes.

Top 20 entries, including the 12 winning solutions, can be found here.

The winners have offered several creative approaches, including board and video games, setting up a news agency, creating a website, and compiling stories about coronavirus.

The awards recognised the effort made by teachers to adapt to the challenges of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown. “Our teachers did a lot of hard work to find solutions to continue working with their pupils,” said Olivera Todorović, assistant director of the Centre for Professional Development at the Institute for Improvement of Education.

We stand ready to share our good examples,” Olivera Todorović said. “If anybody needs assistance, they can count on us.”

NALED just published a Distance Learning Manual, building on lessons from the competition Magic is in the Teachers’ Hands. Also, they intend to do a series of video tutorials to help teachers achieve better results in distance learning.

The project was implemented by NALED with support from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Institute for Improvement of Education, Public Policy Secretariat, and Radio Television of Serbia.

European Training Foundation (ETF) is a European Union agency assisting transition and developing countries (29 countries bordering the EU) to improve education, training, and labour market systems.

The project initiated by the European Training Foundation is focused on different levels and models of providing support for learning. The ETF strives to share the experience gained by national authorities, schools, and networks with the public and help developing nations coordinate their actions.

Mapping of the best examples from the project can be found here.


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