Open Doors at French Embassy: Human Activities Cause Climate Change


On the occasion of the event Open doors held in the French Embassy in Belgrade, the Ambassador Christine Moro said that Paris climate conference had been labelled “urgent” because human activities caused major climate change and increase in global temperature.

At the panel “Climate Change – Why It Is Important” held within manifestation Open Doors at French Embassy, Moro said that droughts, hurricanes, floods and heavy rains were caused by human activities and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.


There was the Kyoto Protocol, adopted in 2005, which was supposed to impose regulations in this area, but was not ratified by all countries. Goal of the Paris Conference is to reach an agreement that would keep the temperature rise to two degrees Celsius by the end of the century, Moro said.

According to her, the discussions will cover finance as well, because changes cost money.
Economic analysis, however, shows that damage itself is more costly than taking measures to prevent it, Moro said.

Moro welcomed Serbian Government statement of 11 July, announcing participation in the Conference and committing itself to 9.3 per cent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to 1990 levels, Moro added.


She stressed that Serbia was preparing for EU membership and everyone was aware of great efforts made by EU Delegation and EU Member States’ embassies to help it achieve the said goal.

France has traditionally been Serbia’s friend and I cannot make difference between our bilateral cooperation and assistance in the process of European integration, Moro said.
Director of Nikola Tesla Museum and expert in renewables Branimir Jovanovic made a brief presentation of the work of Nikola Tesla and explained why his name was tied to the future, adding that he had spent three years working on three groups of projects with a global potential.

Tesla worked on polyphase system, that is alternate current, trying to solve humanity’s energy problem and worked on wireless communication system, Jovanovic said.
According to him, on 4 July 1899, Tesla discovered resonant frequency of the Earth, a discovery that did not receive scientific verification until 1960’s.

Tesla thought that what humanity was trying to do was solving merely social problems, thus triggering instability. What it takes is to solve moral dilemmas as well, Jovanovic said.


Musician Antonije Pusic, better known as Rambo Amadeus, said that humanity had enough technology, knowledge and money to solve the issue of climate change over night. However, it failed to do so.

Energy efficiency is the only reason why Serbian households consume five times more electricity than those in Denmark, Pusis said.

He mentioned his own example, pointing out that he invested less than 2,000 euros in various household ecological project and reduced his electricity bills three times, meaning that it took him less than three years to pay off his investment.


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